How To Get Better At Infinite Warfare

How To Get Better At Infinite Warfare

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How to get better at Infinite Warfare

Are you new at playing Infinite Warfare? if your answer is yes then I will give you advice on becoming better at it and how to dominate the competition in the multiplayer mode. The first thing you want to do is decide what type of player you are whether it be tactical, run and gun, laid back/let your opponents come to you, noob, or are you a try hard. Once you’ve gotten that out of the way you can now begin customizing your rig and loadout  along with your preferred scorestreaks. Now you can decide whether you’re an assault rifle, submachine gun, shotgun, lmg, or sniper type of player. Most beginners start off with assault rifles then work their way onto the other categories of weapons.

After you have done this you can test out the maps with bots  to familiarize yourself with certain flank routes, long shot spots, where the spawns are and flip at, how to use your rigs special ability, test out the reload times and recoil of a weapon, finally the boost jump and wall run mechanics. After you’ve decided you have gotten familiar with everything there is to learn in the game it’s now time to start playing multiplayer. In any game mode you choose whether its team deathmatch, free for all, domination, hardpoint, or capture the flag there is a certain way you must play in order to maintain a positive kd(kill death ratio). Once the math starts you don’t want to just go running around the entire map looking for people to kill even if you’re a run and gun type of player. You want to be aware of your surroundings at all times, look out for traps and enemy players hiding whether it be in a corner, in a window, or laying on the floor. If you’re not aware of any of these things during the match, you are setting yourself to be killed very easily. On the other hand if you look out for all of things during a match you will always have the upper hand on your opponents which will grant you a positive kd  ratio at the end of every match.


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