Taking Down Beasts In Zero Dawn Horizon

How To Kill Beasts In Zero Dawn Horizon


Are you new to Zero Dawn Horizon? If so, I will give you tips on how to become an expert at taking each beast in the game as you encounter them throughout the game. For starters you must know that every machine is built different and has their own set of weak points.

Stealth is one of the most strategies in this game, whenever you see a machine do not just run up and kill it. Most of the time they will see and attack or turn around exposing their most defensive side to you, when they attack they move very fast and are moving all over the place making it hard for you to kill them. Sneaking up on them makes it easier to kill them and you use less of your ammo because executing a silent kill is usually a one shot kill depending on the machine.

The next strategy is taking out the guards first which are normally the watchers because they alert the other machines when they see danger. Each machine is always escorted by a small group of watchers, so once you take out all of the watchers the bigger machines are all alone. This gives you more time to plan your final strategy on taking down your main enemy  and completing your objective.

Another strategy that is key in taking down machines is shooting things that explode, freeze or blaze canisters along with power cells explode when shot with the corresponding arrow. Arrows that trigger the explosion are (freeze, flame, and shock these can be gathered from stems on the ground as well as flowers or you can buy them from local shops. When these canisters explode it will deal large amounts of damage and even causes the machine’s armor to fall off exposing even more weak points for you to attack.

You can also shoot off parts and armor on the machine with your arrow, the best type of weapons to use for this are high tear damage weapons. The tearblast arrows will remove valuable and rare components along with armor from the machine, taking these off will always give you the upper hand in battle. For instance, the Stormbird’s lightning gun or the Behemoth’s force loaders are some weapons you can disable to make it easier for you to take down the machine. Some machines like the ravager and the stormjaw have heavy weapons attached to them that can be knocked off and used against them to win the battle.

Listening is also essential because it also helps you be aware of your surroundings and to watch out for machines especially the really big ones. All machines make some kind of noise when they attack you so if you don’t feel like fighting them just listen for their movements and move away from them.

Staying out of sight is another strategy that is extremely helpful in this game, especially if you’re in battle with a behemoth or any machine of enormous size drags out for too long.   Hiding in tall grass kind of makes you invisible to machines in this game, but not for too long. You should always use the surrounding area to your advantage especially when you’re outnumbered or damaged, you can use boulders to hide and regroup or even plan your next move as well as reload your weapons

The damage of your weapons plays a major factor in defeating all the machines in this game, especially the bigger and stronger ones. It’s pretty self-explanatory, deal as much damage as you can until the machine falls. You can use bombs from your slingshot, your tripwire, or simply your arrows to get the job done

Upgrading your weapons always makes the job a lot easier and the fight shorter, modifications such as elemental damage, adding more tear damage to weapons, or even adding a faster reload speed and time will always give you the upper hand in battle resulting to victory.

The rope caster is another useful weapon that you can use to your advantage, you can tie down some tough machines and land numerous critical hits to win the fight.

Lastly you can override the machines, this is great in fights where you are outnumbered. Slowly approach one machine and override so that it can help you defeat a group of machines, even the big machines can be overridden to fight for. You can just stand back and watch the fight or even help the overridden machine if you see that its losing the fight.

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