Earn Hall of Fame In NBA 2K17

How To Earn Hall Of Fame Badge

In NBA 2K17 there are four types of badges that the player can earn which are bronze, silver, gold, and hall of fame. Each archetype has its own set of badges including the Hall of Fame badge which is purple, to get purple badges you must put in a lot of effort and have many hours of playtime in order to unlock them. This guide will show you step by step procedures on how to unlock any purple badge within the game.

The skill badges are categorized as outside scoring, inside scoring, athleticism, playmaking, rebounding, and defensive badges. These badges are unlocked when the player begins to perform well within his specialty, if or when the player continues to play well after each game he will unlock stronger special abilities in his archetype. There are only five upgradable badges for each archetype that can be upgraded to hall of fame, you can only get hall of fame on certain badges that can be upgraded for your archetype. Playmakers can only have hall of fame dimer, lob city passer, flashy passer, pnr maestro, and ankle breaker badges. None of the shooting badges are able of being upgraded to hall of fame because it’s not the sharpshooter archetype.

The easiest badge that you can get is the flashy passer badge. This badge can be described as “a player who throws accurate passes and gets shots off screens at a high percentage while performing pick and rolls”. The pick and roll maestro badge can be unlocked by constantly pressing the call for a pic button which is the left button on your controller L1 for ps4 and Lb for xbox users, you don’t even need to get an assist or make the shot after coming off the pick. You just need to keep pressing the button and you will unlock it eventually.

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